Kite Class

Kite Class

Teachers: Mrs Maddy Pengelly
Teaching Assistants:  Mrs N Pilton, Mrs M Cornthwaite and Miss M Pollard (mornings). We also are lucky to have Miss Josie Dexter (trainee teacher) with us for the Spring term.

Welcome to the Summer term. We have an exciting curriculum planned for this term (more details below). If you do have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask any of the Kite staff.

Please can we remind everyone to ensure their child has a fruit or veg snack to eat at break.  Also, remember we only allow water in the drink bottles.

Kite Curriculum Overview Year A 2023

Kite Class- Summer Term

English fiction will have a focus on descriptive writing, using  a portal tale (Elf Road). Non-fiction writing will follow after half-term, using writing an explanation text: ‘Why are Pixie’s extinct?’.   Poetry techniques will be taught during both the half-terms.. Pupils will also create their own ‘invent’ independent writing, to ‘show what they know!’ Spelling, punctuation and grammar will be taught throughout the year. Weekly spellings are attached below.

In Maths we will be developing our understanding of fractions, including ordering and comparing. We will learn efficient methods to add and subtract numbers.   Throughout term there will be a focus on mental addition and subtraction methods. We will continue to learn multiplication and dividing, including using a formal written method. Shape work will focus on angles. All our maths will include problem solving, challenges and lots of math talk. ‘Maths on Track’ (short burst sessions of 15 minutes) will continually revise and remind of topics taught.

In R.E we will be asking ‘God and the Covenant and Torah? We will be developing our knowledge about synagogues, how God is worshiped in Judaism and how the reading of the Torah is central to the service. We will learn many facts about the Torah, including that it is written on parchment, by hand with a special ink, never touched by human hands, a special pointer is used and to know the Torah is written in Hebrew. We will also learn more about God first making his covenant agreement with Abraham. God promises he would be the father of a great nation, the Jewish people, who will live in the land of Canaan. They will Recall the story of the giving of the 10 commandments to Moses: The people of Israel are enslaved in Egypt; God sends 10 plagues; the Pharaoh releases the Jews; this hasty departure is known as the exodus; the Jews spent 40 years as nomads; Moses went up Mt Sinai to receive from God the 10 commandments and other commandments which were the rules Jews had to live by.

In our Science lessons we will be investigating plants . The second half of term will be ‘All living things’

Knowledge organiser: Plants-year-3

We will :

  • Identify and describe the functions of different parts of plants; roots, stem, leaves and flowers.
  •  Explore the requirements of plants for life and growth (air, light, water, nutrients from soil and room to grow) and how they vary from plant to plant.·
  • Investigate the ways in which water is transported within plants.
  • Explore the role of flowers in the life cycle of flowering plants, including pollination, seed formation and seed

In Computing we will be creating media using stop frame animation using our new IPads. We will then develop our programming skills exploring the links between events and actions, whilst consolidating prior learning relating to sequencing. Learners will begin by moving a sprite in four directions (up, down, left and right). They will then explore movement within the context of a maze, using design to choose an appropriately sized sprite.

Other curriculum areas for the Summer Term:

For the first part term, our topic work will have a History  focus where we will be asking ‘How has crime and punishment changed over time?’ In our study of crime and punishment, we aim to understand its concepts and historical evolution. We will explore changes in crime types and punishments over time, investigate crime investigation methods, and analyse evolving societal views on crime. Additionally, we critically assess the realism of historical narratives. Through these inquiries, we seek a deeper understanding of human behavior and societal responses.  Knowledge Organiser:– Crime-and-Punishment

The second part of  Autumn will have a Geography  focus. We will investigate rivers. We will develop Geographical skills and key concepts of location and place by asking geographical questions and through map work. In our study of water systems, we will learn about the water cycle’s processes and identify river system features and stages. Using maps, we will investigate the River Thames and its significance. We also consider water usage and the impacts of floods and droughts, like the 2014 Somerset Levels floods. With atlases, we locate rivers globally. Through these activities, we gain insight into the natural world and our relationship with it.

Art will be developing our pattern and printing skills, exploring tessellation and environmental patterns. We will have Bridget Riley as our focus artisit.

DT  will continue to focus on Textiles: Cross stitch and applique – making an Egyptian collar . We will learn and apply two new sewing techniques – cross-stitch and appliqué. Utilise these new skills to design and make an Egyptian collar.  Knowledge Organiser: KO-Y3-Textiles-Egyptian-collars

Music will focus on traditional instruments and improvision (India)

We will  learn French. The focus will be ! We will be Shopping for French Food learning their own simple story about a trip to the shops. Knowledge Organiser: Shopping-for-French-Food

Weekly Spelling Tests will be on a Friday. All children have a paper copy and also a copy stuck in their reading record books.

Y3 Spellings Summer Term 1

Y4 Spellings Summer Term 1

ALL YEARS :  TTRockstars  Encourage your child to develop their Times Table knowledge using this App. They have their own password which can be found in their reading journal.

Reading- Please sign your child’s reading record every time they are heard reading. This will show a minimum of 4 reads a week is being completed. Reading record books will be checked every Friday and signed by member of Kite staff.

If you are using the AR scheme ,please log on below and complete a quiz. Always keep reading. Read aloud to an adult daily and read to themselves for at least 20 minutes a day, preferably more. Here is a link to questions to ask when listen to your child reading. If possible share stories as a family too. Write a book review for each book you read.

Click here during school hours to complete an AR quiz. Please record your score in your planner or Home Learning Book.

A reading website that has updated lists of children’s authors reading aloud and fun activities.

Class work for children who are absent but able to work:


We are having a focus on character and dialogue. Have a go at the writing activities. Why not write your own tale using a character you have created and a detailed setting description? There are some help sheets below.

Create a character: Character Description  

How do you write dialogue? Remind yourself here:Dialogue help      Have a go at creating a setting: story-settings-writing frames

TTrockstars should be used everyday. If no device is available, children can write out the times tables. As a guide , begin with 10X, 5X and 2X. Move on to the others up to 12X. The corresponding division facts should also be learnt.

Reading 4 times a week for at least 20 minutes is encouraged. AR quizzes  (for those using AR) can be accessed during school time.

Maths: Click on the links on the sheet.

Maths isolation workwho-was-jesus-6mv66c-9bc2d80dd348839

Time –

1.maths-ks2-lesson Time to the minute Powerpoint

1.maths-ks2-lesson Time to the minute worksheet

2. maths-ks2-lesson-AM PM

2. maths-ks2-lesson-AM PM 1

2. Telling-the-time Quiz

2.Telling-the-time AM PM answers

Blank_Time_Worksheet  Can you tell the time? Write the time in words. Try minutes to the hour and past.

Here is some shape revision:

